safety aboard

House Rules On board

How to behave onboard? Why you should follow all the orders by your captain or skipper? Is it just skipper’s ego or his rules matter? Find the set of rules that will keep you, your crew and your skipper happy and, most importantly, safe.

A girl with sore ear

Painkillers Are from Heaven

The writer of this post was skeptical about painkillers, which is why he never took them on his sailing trips. However, after one particularly painful case of ear inflammation, he realized that he can never sail out without a pack of painkillers.

Smartphone Application to Save Life

Man overboard situation happens more often than we think and is more dangerous than we think as well. Even with low boat speeds a person fallen off could be quite away from the boat in less than a minute. Some more sophisticated GPS devices are equipped with MOB (man overboard) button which, when pushed, which saves the position and guides helmsman to the spot where the button is pushed.