Sailing Stories

Skippers’ Recommendations and Decisions

Although the customers on a sailing boat are usually eager to sail, see and explore it is always wise to listen to your skipper. Skippers rely on weather forecast and it is not in their interest to be blamed for laziness. They also look after your safety and don’t want to expose you to any risky situations.

Why a Rescue Action Ended up with Anger?

A sailing story with basic lessons about the life at sea and good seamanship. When anchored, a skipper is obliged to check out the anchor and make sure that his vessel is not moving. If leaving the yacht, skipper has to make sure that he is able to get back quickly in case of unexpected event, or he has to delegate a crew member to keep watch over the anchor. The key to the tender has to be placed in the engine when tender is in the sea. And last but not least, a good skipper would always observe the situation over the neighboring yachts.

He Simply Loves Lighthouses

Story of the 56 lighthouses in the Adriatic, all built in the 19th century by the Austrian Empire. The goal was to fortify the boarders of the empire and to make seafaring throughout the Adriatic safer and easier. Mitja Župančič from Slovenia studied those lighthouses and wrote a book about them.